Paleo Diet – 30 Days Challenge , No Sugar, No Dairy, No Processed Food , Oh My!
Paleo Snacks Link: Paleo Ketchup: So this was a tough one for me but once i start a challenge i like to see it threw for better or worse. the Paleo Diet is a diet based on the types of foods presumed to have been eaten...
Why I sold my Ocean Boat Monterey 35FT 340SY 2014
Why I sold my Ocean Boat, I purchase a 2014 340SY Monterey Sport Yacht Power Boat, and in one year took it to Boston, Marthas Vineyard, all the way to Florida West Palm Beach, then over the Bahamas Eletheura Islands and then back to Stuart Florida where i Sold it. In...
Abacos Islands to Eleuthera Bahamas via Boat
Taking my Boat first From RI to Florida then to from West Palm Beach to Abaco Islands now it's off to Eleuthera's! Come along for the adventure and save the gas money! ICW / Bamahas Videos
West Palm Beach, Florida to Abaco Islands, Bahamas via Boat
So this is my first trip Crossing the Gulf Stream and taking a 34ft Monterey 340SY from West Palm Beach Florida to the Abaco Islands in Bahamas and it was an Adventure that is for sure! For More Hacks, Tricks, & Tricks Checkout (
Control Lights & Save Money with Amazon Teckin $10 WiFi SmartPlugs
Amazon Direct Link: Teckin Smart Plug: So my Power bill at home was getting really bad, and I mean Bad! Even though I have Geothermal and all LED lights something was Sucking the power when i was not home. It was really hard to know what was...
100 Sit-ups per day for 30 Day’s – 3000 Sit-up Challenge
So while traveling I took up a 30 day Sit-up challenge which was 100 sit-ups per day any time i could do it, I could split it up to 10 every 5 minutes or just do all 100 in a row. for the most part i would do the 100 in the morning right in a row with 3-4 breaks to...